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勞瑞食指骨折 進傷兵名單

(路透奧克蘭14日電)美國職棒大聯盟MLB奧克蘭運動家游擊手勞瑞(Jed Lowrie)右手食指骨折,將進入傷兵名單。勞瑞先前一直帶傷打球,預料將錯過2-3週賽事。30歲的勞瑞本季打擊率.238,5支全壘打、42分打點。中央社(翻譯) Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 25 / 30 Toronto Blue Jays' Jose Reyes spins around as he strikes out in the seventh inning of a baseball game against the Seattle Mariners, Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014, in Seattle. The Mariners won 1-0. (AP ... 較多Toronto Blue Jays' Jose Reyes spins around as he strikes out in the seventh inning of a baseball game against the Seattle Mariners, Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014, in Seattle. The Mariners won 1-0. (AP Photo/Stephen Brashear) 較少 1 / 30 Associated Press | 拍攝者 Stephen Brashear 2014年8月14日週四 台北標準時間下午1時45分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image

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